
I'll love you like I love you then I'll die

It's crazy how quickly life can change and then get back to normal. I went to NYC this past weekend to spend time with my best friend and after wandering the streets and getting lost in the lights, returning home seemed like such a drag. It really bummed me out! In those short four days, we completely lost track of time.. not paying attention to anything really but having a good time and going with the flow. It was the first time in a while that I felt so at ease and free. No responsibilites, no appointments, no meetings, no nothing. It was something I really needed. Then as I sat there sweating in a cab on my way back to the airport, I felt like an animal locked in a cage. I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to go back to work. But soon enough, there I was sitting on a plane headed back to real life.

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